Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Etude House Juicy Cocktail Gradation Nails #4 Mint Frappe mini review

So you all are probably aware of the ever so famous Gradation Nails sets from Etude House. Today I’ll just share my thoughts on this little set ^^ 
Look how pretty it is! Takes of course a bit more time to do your nails with these than just using a single poilsh, but I just love the effect. So simply effortless and elegant.
The only bad thing is the ones with the chunky glitters at the end, are a frickin’ pain to remove. But I have learned a very helpful little trick to remove glitterpolish which I will share one day. But once you’re done, it stays on like forever, and I didn’t even use topcoat ._.
They recently released a green version and since that is my favourite color I just have to have that one!
Have you tried the Gradation polishes? Do you like them?

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