Friday, 15 January 2016

Etude House Kissful Tint Choux No.3 Strawberry Choux Review

So my new lippie obsession are tints! I just think they are so effortless, easy and I love the effect they give! So let’s take a look at my recent purchase, the Kissful Tint Choux from Etude House.
The packaging as usual is super adorable! They recently switched packaging to this from the old one and this one is so much more appealing to the eye.
I adore this colour, very pretty right? The consistency is a bit watery but still creamy and feels very nice and light on the lips!
In direct light, very glossy when you first apply it and gives a juicy-lips look.
In a bit more shaded light. I don’t know why but many light pink tints seems to go darker once it’s dried on my lips. But not this one doesn’t which makes me happy ^^
The lasting ability is okay to me. But for 4,90$ you can’t expect a sensation I guess. It does dissapear a bit when I eat and drink but it’s not like you can’t re-apply it slightly so I’m not really that bothered. I have noticed though that if you let the first layer dry and then apply a second one, you will get more color pay of.
The only dowside about this is the scent. It smells a bit like artificial cherries but luckily it dissapears once it’s on the lips!
Another thing that I really like is the fact that this particualr color has been compared to Benefits Posi Tint. I don’t know how much that is but it’s not that hard to guess that it will be pretty pricey compared to this one.

I can hardly see any difference, in fact I think the Etude one is prettier ._. I have a Benefit blusher which I ADORE to death but their products just aren’t worth the price, let’s just keep it real. So yay for better and more affordable korean cosmetics! :D

I give this 4/5, mainly because I’m not a big fan on the scent. But otherwise I love the colour and I might get another one because they have 3 other pretty colors and it’s affordable as well.
I hope this was helpful! 

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