Friday, 15 January 2016

Etude House Sweet Recipe Baby Choux Base #2 Berry Choux Review

So let’s take a look at perhaps the most advertised product from the Sweet Recipe line, the Baby Choux Base and I chose the Berry one.
The box itself is adorable and here we also have the ingredients!
The Baby Choux Base is contanied in a cute little glass jar with a plastic lid.
Description: This light and fluffy choux cream- like makeup base creates baby choux skin with it’s moist inside and soft smoothness on the outside.
It also has SPF25 PA++
It looks kinda scary, but you won’t get a pink face once it’s applied trust me :]
Swatched! Very creamy and soft. Smells nice to, very hard to explain what it smells like though…
All blended on my hand and the other side looks lighter than it naturally is!
I didn’t know if I should post this picture or not cause I don’t have perfect skin and no this is NOT acne just some red spots so don’t judge me >_< I do these horrible closeups for you haha!
As you can see the side with the base is much lighter than the one without but on me it’s not a significant difference. It’s not difficult to blend, dries reasonably quick and makes my skin feel smooth and a bit dewy.
The lasting power however is a bit so so and by that I mean that after a while the “brightening” efftect is starting to dissapear and my skin looks like I hardly have anything on anymore which is kinda sad (this is when I wear it alone)
Oil control however is not bad at all. Even after about 2-3 hours wearing it alone without any setting spray or powder I’m not a greasy discoball around my t-zone which is very nice.
I had my Shinistar BB Lotion on top of this one day and I may not be used to “bases”, but I felt that my makeup was a bit heavier than usual and my makeup seemed to kling a bit extra around the lines that appears when I laugh etc. 
My conclusion?
I do like this base, but I think I have to work with it more to love it if you get what I mean. I reccomend this product to anyone who wants a brightening-effect base!
I have mixed feelings about this product so far since I am quite picky with my base products. If I don’t fall in love at first use I’m not sure I’ll like it further on but I will give this one a few more rounds before I’m sure.
That’s all for now, hope this was somewhat helpful!
Next up are som lippies to be reviewed so stay tuned! xx

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