Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Etude House SHINISTAR lipbalms Swatches/Review

Today I’m gonna share some swatches and my opinion on these cuties! :3
All five SHINee members has their own color and “flavour” ^^
So here we have all the lipbalms! I adore every single color, they are so pretty! I love everything about these babies! Very moisturizing, great pigmentation, super glossy, gives a pretty stain once the gloss is gone and they all smell so amazing *.*
#1 Shining Leader O: ONEW
Smells like peacheeees! Ahh so yum! More of a purple/pink color.
#2 Bling Bling J: Jonghyun
A very citrus influenced scent. It’s supposed to smell like grapefruit but I can just tell it smells like som sort of citrus fruit, but yeah I could say it smells like grapefruit to! I have used this one the least since orange doesn’t really suit me.
Then why did I buy it? Once I had four I just couldn’t skip this one >.< But it is surprisingly pretty. Since it is a balm it’s more sheer, not a in-your-face orange which I like so this one actually looks fine on me!
#3 Master Key K: Key
Okay so for this one, I’m not sure if Etude is wrong or my nose.. This is supposed to smell like passionfruit… This smells like roses to me, with a hint of citrus. I don’t even know haha… But nevertheless it is such a gorgeous color! A pretty vibrant pink. This is my second favourite one!
#4 Flaming Charisma M: Minho
This scent is my least favourite. It does smells like cherries which it is supposed to do BUT, it smells like artificial cherries :s A bit plasticky sort to say. I can stand it but it’s not really that good and when I searched reviews I saw more people than me who wasn’t the biggest fan of the smell. But I can’t deny that it still is a gorgeous raspbery red color and this was the first out of all the five that I got! And the scent doesn’t last forever on the lips either so don’t really worry to much :)
#5 Youngest T: Taemin
Okay do yall see dis?? Do yall SEE DIS? Once you finish each one of these lipbalms there is an autograph for each member in the bottom!!! Best selling point Etude has done for a long time! At least for me who loves SHINee.
You can tell this is my favourite since I already hit pan, and a big part to. I’m actually terrified to run out of this particular one, like seriously. This is the prettiest color ouf of all five (a sweet baby pink) and smells like heaven in a jar. It is stated “Guava” as the scent but I actually don’t really know what guava smells like, so for me it’s just a sweet, floral/ candyfloss/ bubblegum-esk without smelling like plastic or anything. At least to me. I suck at describing scents haha… but I heard some people don’t like this scent so you just have to judge for yourself really.
I just love this one to death.
If you still can buy them, do so! I promise you won’t be dissapointed!

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